Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wet Hot South African Summer.

What summer would be complete without attending summer camp? My final week of my December Summer (remember, it is summer here in the southern hemisphere) holidays found myself and the other YASC intern with HOPE working a camp. One of our Co-Workers at HOPE is involved with a camp called Goal Camp, which is a leadership interfaith camp. The camp’s aim is to promote leadership qualities and dialog between 17-19 year olds who come from some sort of troubled past. There is a heavy interfaith presence since the program this was originally from was Face-to-Face, an international interfaith program based out of the United States. Lacey and I were volunteered to help as facilitators for the camp, and I have never enjoyed something I have been volunteered for as much before.

I did not know what to expect from the camp. I had very little information on what it was and how things were going to happen beforehand since I was unable to attend any of the training or planning meetings. The first day I met any of the other facilitators was the day before camp was to start, at the final planning meeting. I did little more than sit and observe at the meeting, partially because I did not know what I was doing and partially because I had received some sad news that morning (but that is another blog post). I did learn a few things at the meeting, like the fact that the group of other facilitators seemed like a good group of people, the camps program seemed to be interesting and well thought out, and that I was a part of the “Get stuff done crew” as I came to call it. Myself, Adeeb (another facilitator), Iggy, Sarah, and Rashaad (the three facilitators in charge) were not a part of any dialog group. The dialog groups are what I would called small groups, or conversation groups, basically it’s where the majority of the serious conversation and sharing happens. Since we were not a part of these groups, our responsibility would be to mostly make sure that everything else ran smoothly, since if the other facilitators did not get their tasks for their events done in time, we would have to finish up the set up. It was alright, though, because being a part of this group allowed me to get a good look at all the background activities that occur to get camps like this done, it allowed the most free times of the facilitators, and it let me hang out with an awesome group of people.

I could go in depth and describe everything that happened during the week (Monday to Sunday), but I would end up writing a blog post double, triple, or even quadruple the length of my others to get it done. Instead, I will try to get the highlights. To start, I was co-cabin facilitator with Izzy (not to be confused with Iggy). Izzy is an awesome guy who is pursuing his undergrad in linguistics, Arabic, and Hebrew, with an honors in Hebrew, and a diploma in education. He is also a hilarious guy with the most infectious laugh and the capability to get very excited and expressive over the smallest things, as well as being good at and enjoying very serious intellectual conversations on a variety of important topics for no other reason than he can and we should. Needless to say, I could not have asked for a better co-cabin facilitator (we agreed to give our cabin the title “Cabin Kickass”, something we were more excited about than the participants). There ended up being 17 participants and 14 facilitators, so the ratio was very close to a 1-1 ratio. There were 3 guys’ cabins with 3 each in two cabin, and 2 in one. The 3 participants in our cabin were all awesome individuals. One of them felt more comfortable speaking in Afrikaans than English, so the other people in the cabin would take turns translating what he said for me during the cabin time in the evening.

The activities varied from day to day. The ones I were directly responsible for occurred later in the week, so for the first bit I just helped out with whatever the other facilitators needed as well as planned my events and electives. Ali and I were in charge of the sports elective. On Tuesday it was scorching hot, so we ended up playing cricket, which the participants enjoyed trying to explain the rules to me. The second day we switched the elective around a little, since the day before the camp split evenly down the genders with all the boys doing sports and all the girls doing crafts. The second day we sold it more as games than sports, and ended up attracting some of the girls over to our side. Ali introduced this awesome game that was a combination of cricket, kickball, a little bit of red rover, and just plain fun (he was good at that in general). The activities I was in charge of planning and running were the gender night and the Amazing race obstacle course.

Ruth and I were in charge of gender night, and it was one of those things that went so much better than we could have ever hoped or planed for (thought Ruth did most of the planning well before camp started). The discussions and ideas being tossed out by the participants throughout the evening were amazing, and it was one of my highlights of the week to see the wheels start to turn and them begin to see where they had been taught faulty perceptions and habits by society. They begin with writing five attributes about themselves. They then split into gender groups to discuss and write down attributes and characteristics they thought of for men and for women. This alone sparked some debate and dialog, the female group quickly realized what they were putting down was mostly stereotypes. Then we brought the groups back together and had them view what the others had written both about their gender group as well as the other. We then had them pair off into male and female pairs, with one group of three (we really lucked out with the numbers being almost even). We had them discuss everything and answer some questions we prepared, then had them form larger groups of mixed gender, and had further discussion there. The conversations in each part were so good and productive, that we let each section have much more time than was intended for it. Ruth and I kept checking between the groups and asking “Are you guys still going? Good, because so are we. 5 more minutes?” We unapologetically stretched well past the time allotted for the activity, but the higher-ups understood and were ok with it.

The amazing race was an activity planned almost solely by me and held on Saturday. I was nervous how everyone would enjoy it, but it turned out to be a huge success. There was the classic riddles to various stations scavenger hunt. Then a ropes maze (which I ran and went super well). Only one group figured out the trick. Everyone but one was blindfolded, and the one unblindfolded person had to verbally “Get the rest of your team from point A to point B”. We never said they had to go through the ropes. The trick was to just walk them around the ropes. There was also a little zipline where they had a competition to see who could get the furthest without touching the group. And an impromptu station where there was a vertical grid of ropes and they had to see how many people they could get from one side to the other without touching the ropes (credit goes to Rashaad and Ali for the quick thinking to get that one together so that the groups weren’t waiting on the zipline and ropes with nothing to do). After that was Spin it to Win it, a relay race where each member spun in a circle a number of times and then tried to do activities like run straight, run and catch a frisbee, dance, etc. Then we had them build the largest structure they could out of marshmallows and skewers. We ended it all with a game of Jeopardy, where the categories where the themes of the various days, and the questions came from events during those days. All in all it went very well, and everyone seemed to like it.

Those were just two of the events from the entire week. I could go on about the capture the flag game I helped put together that was a huge success (Despite, or maybe because of, a few injuries). I could talk about the Dance/fitness activity where we had outside instructors come in and pretty much make us all realize how out of shape we were. I could wax poetic about the exploratory trip to find the beautiful rock pools, and then the actual excursion the camp took to visit them later in the week (with mixed results on enjoyment).The talent show which had everyone rolling on the floor with laughter at points, or snapping our fingers in recognition of some of the realest slam poetry I have ever heard (usually the talent show is the part of camp I enjoy the least and try my hardest to avoid, this one was actually amazing). I could reminisce about the Help game, an activity that drove the participants to the edge of frustration and annoyance with us. I could recount Star Power, one of the hardest hitting events that had some participants in tears and pure hatred directed toward the Facilitators in charge of it (the group of five mentioned earlier). These and many other things could fill up a multitude of more blog posts. Instead, I would like to talk a little about what it made me realize about myself.

Both weeks of this holiday, but particularly this one, made me realize and address one of the largest issues facing me in regards to my time here. It is the loneliness and separation I feel. Being around other Americans my age in Cape Town. Being around other people my age that share my passion for discussion and openness and acceptance, that cherish the sharing of ideas and experiences just for the sake of knowledge and growth at the goal camp. Being involved with the exposure of the youth of South Africa to new ideas and ways of thinking that will hopefully lead to them living better lives and the strengthening of the future leadership of SouthAfrica. I am beyond greatful for the time spent with the other facilitators, and with the participants. Being able to meet and make friendships with some many wonderful like-minded people has really helped me. There was even a little facilitator get together a week after camp ended to check in and see how everyone was doing. Rashaad and Ali even drove all the way to Hawston to fetch me back to Cape Town and then took me back. All of it was a refreshing and wonderful experience, that exposed to me just how isolated and alone I feel in Hawston. I love the people there, especially the ones I have interacted with, but we do not have copious amounts of things in common. It makes it difficult to relate to them at times (a struggle shared by the previous YASCer in the position). Dealing with these feelings and moving forward in the new year, with 7-9 more months here, is one of the greatest challenges I will face, and hopefully overcome.

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